Literacy for early years

George and the dragon literacy plan
literacy plan aimed at reception
includes list of resources and directions for TA

Harold hears a voice Literacy plan
5 lessons based on the book Harold hears a voice aimed at reception children.
Lesson plan
Differentiation suggestion

Biscuit Bear Literacy plan EYFS
Biscuit bear by Mini Grey
Weekly planing including resources and differentiation suggestions.

Lost and found Literacy plan
5 Lessons and resources based on the book Lost and Found.
includes resources

Specs for Rex Literacy plan
5 literacy lessons based on the book Specs for Rex
Great for a reception class
5 lessons
suggestions for differentiation

Space topic Literacy plans
4 literacy plans (5 lessons each)
Each set of lessons are based on the following books
Aliens love underpants
Goodnight spaceman
The dinosaur that pooped a planet
The darkest Dark

Farm Literacy Plans
Little Red Hen
Old Macdonald heard a parp
Peep inside the farm
5 lessons based on each book

I will never not eat a tomato Literacy Plan
5 lessons based on the book I will never not eat a tomato
includes resources

Guided reading worksheet
Helps to understand what happened in the story and remember the key elements.
Can also be used whole class during literacy sessions.

7 weeks of morning work
Independent work aimed at reception children to complete on the carpet while staff help settle children and take the reception.
All that is needed is equipment for writing.
Example of a weeks activities:
M- describe the picture and write a sentence
T-story based
W- maths activity
T-read the word and find it in a book
F- make a list prompts
7 weeks of planning ready to go with minimal set up!
Reception aimed!